Easily create these books and pages in a matter of minutes
Built in Graphic Library makes it super easy
Add your own graphics for a totally unique product
Unlimited market because language isn't a barrier - it's all graphical based!
Use your creations for both digital and physical product creation
Super profitable because these books and printables sell like crazy
What you'll find is series of books that are selling like hot cakes. iSpy, Where is Waldo, Can you Find and others are a huge market.
Up until now they had to have a special artist create these images. That is, until now...
A web based solution that is so simple anyone can use it.
Choose graphics from our built in library or simply add your own
With a few clicks the software will auto-magically place and resize images for you.
Don't like something - you can drag it yourself. You're in control!!
It's that easy. We save in the standard PNG graphic format.
Perfect for publishing, creating and sharing!
Make your own Find It books or add them to your puzzle books that you can sell on Amazon, Etsy, Ebay and others.
Print them out. Add them to printables for baby showers, birthday parties, placemats and more.
Add them to physical products like coffee mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts and more
Post your Hidden Object images on Social Media. People love looking for them! Think of the engagement you'll get!!
Create your own PLR products. Give them away as lead magnets or sell them for others to use. Your unrestricted license lets you do all that!
Our amazing web based software that allows you to quickly make hidden object pages
A built in graphic library to get you going in minutes
The ability to add your own graphic images
A complete set of video tutorials over the software and creating your first pictures
Access to a "Customer Only" Facebook group where you can interact with other like-minded people. Book publishers, printable creators, kindle authors, physical product creators and more.
Top notch support always ready to help
Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.
Robert Borsuk - Owner Colourfull Creations, coach, instructor, programmer and more.
Training - Our products come with extensive training to get you up and going quick.
Support - If you have a problem, question, comment, whatever. We’re here to listen and to help. We have an easy to access support desk where we can address any issues you might have.
We stand behind our products - by providing enhancements and bug fixes. These are the same products we use in our business.